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Re: A packaging scheme...

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 01:08:22PM -0400, Seth M. Landsman wrote:
> 	However, are programmers who write this software going to be
> willing to do this?  I can't see gnu going with gpl.gnu and lgpl.gnu as
> their top level, nor can I see mozilla willing change to mpl.mozilla with
> all of their software.

That would defeat the purpose. The idea is functional divisions instead of
organizational divisions. In fact, the license prefix could be dropped in
favor of something like "lib". The thing is, even Sun doesn't follow their
own policy when it comes to most of the libraries. There is almost nothing
that is packaged under com.sun.* and the things that are you are advised
not to use.

What I am gunning at here is that it is stupid to divide the components of
a common library by organization. Let's say that you are writing an XML
program and are using classes from several different organizations. Having
to deal with classes coming out of: com.ibm.xml.xena.*, com.jclark.xml.sax.*,
etc., etc., etc. gets a little confusing. That isn't the way the AWT is, or
java.sql.* or java.util.*. Why is it that only Sun should provide consolidated
functionality? How much nicer would it be to have a lib.xml.* infrastructure
that was as integrated as java.sql.* or any of the other Sun packages?

> 	The thing is, Sun created a policy which makes a good deal of
> sense, which people decided to follow and support.  It makes it real easy
> to figure out where a piece of software came from and to ensure that there
> won't be namespace conflicts.  I fear that adding the license is
> unnecessarily political and won't make sense to the vast majority of java
> coders out there.

Again, Sun created a sensible policy that they themselves do not follow for
the bulk of their own code.

> 	Is this policy going to be "optional"?  Are there going to be
> allowances for packages which do not follow this naming scheme, or is this
> going to be necessary for debain-packaged java classes?

Oh definatly not. This is a seperate project from packaging classes for
Debian. This is just an idea for a consolidated free software java support
library package.

Ean Schuessler                                                Freak
Novare International Inc.                             Freak Central
--- Some or all of the above signature may be a joke

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