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Re: [OT] MP3: Compressioni

Vito wrote:
> int wrote:
> [snip] 
> nada nn funziona, ma a voi funziona? a me appena lo lancio da
> quell'errore :(

Infatti.. ho visto un'altro errore..
Questo dovrebbe andare.. ;O)

find mp3_dir -iname '*.mp3' | while read file
      ID_AUDIO_BITRATE=$(echo quit | mplayer -slave -identify \
      -ao null -vo null -nosound -novideo $file 2>/dev/null | \
       grep ID_AUDIO_BITRATE | awk -F "=" '{print $2}')
      [ $ID_AUDIO_BITRATE -ge 128000 ] && cd $(dirname $file) && \
      lame -m s -b 128 $(basename $file)

Saluti By MCM.

<< Unix is the most user friendly system I know, the point is that it is
really selective about who is indeed its friend. >>

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