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Problems with keyboard

Hi to everyone.
I've got a problem with the keyboard through SSH/telnet remote login: When I try to use 
End or bottom keys the only thing I have displayed is a ~.Moreover, I cannot print special 
characters ({}~, above all) (because I have an italian keyboard, I have to print them 
through AltGr and other keys).
In mc they do the work, but in joe no (I never tried other software).
This doesn't happen when I log in through console and didn't happen when I had RedHat 
7.2 and connected to the box with the same ssh client (putty). Both RH and Debian have a 
2.2.20 kernel with the same settings.
Perhaps there is a way to configure these things for /dev/pts/#?


Translation for italian friends:

Ho un problema con la tastiera da remoto: quando mi connetto alla mia linuxbox con telnet 
o ssh, i tasti fine e inizio (la freccia inclinata), invece che spostare il cursore, mi 
stampano la tilde (~) e non riesco a stampare nessun carattere speciale (graffe, tilde etc 
etc, che quando avevo una RH7.2 con stesso kernel (2.2.20 ricompilato con le stesse 
impostazioni) stampavo con AltGr+0, AltGr+8 etc etc).
La cosa non succede se entro direttamente da console.

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