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Re: 32bit or 64bit?

2008/5/7 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar@fantomas.sk>:
> from what I've heard, there's a difference between Intel AMD processors here
> - someone said that when AMD switches to 64bit, it speeds things up, while
> Intel slows them down...
> this information is quite old and I'd likt someone to confirm or disprove
> it.
yes - i've heard about it too . probably it was regarding amd pure
64bit processors and intel processors with emt64 (64bit emulation)
where obviously amd64bit was faster.

Wojciech Ziniewicz
Unix SEX :{look;gawk;find;sed;talk;grep;touch;finger;find;fl
ex;unzip;head;tail; mount;workbone;fsck;yes;gasp;fsck;more;yes;yes;eje
ct;umount;makeclean; zip;split;done;exit:xargs!!;)}

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