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Re: Courier or Cyrus

Am 2005-03-30 17:16:34, schrieb Michael F. Sprague:

> Agreed, but if you're in mutt and not using IMAP, it's hard to make it
> recognize the subfolders since they begin with a dot (not impossible, just a
> pain).

It depends, but why using local Access, if I have IMAP ?

And surfing courier-imap-folders localy is habit.

> It seems to get confused for me.  I have some folders named 'sub.folder'.  When
> I convert them to maildir this is interpreted as a subfolder of a subfolder
> which is not what I want.  So I want:

Then you have not understood HOW "maildirmake" works,

        maildirmake sub $HOME/Maildir

create the Directory


then if you want a mailfolder do

        maildirmake -f sub.folder $HOME/Maildir

which create


and then it contains

where maildirfolder is an empty file.  So all folderf which contain
the file "maildirfolder" are mailboxes.

> INBOX/sub.folder
> and it sees:
> INBOX/sub/folder

> Glad to hear it!  

Can you acces cyrus or uw-imap folders localy ?


But courier-imap give you the possibility to acces it
and you should accept how it is done.

> I have, and I'm comparing it to cyrus.  I'm just trying to get a feel of how
> the two look from the average luser's point of view.  I think you, I and
> everyone on this list would be considered 'power users' when it comes to email
> and can handle the minor differences between IMAP servers. :)  I'm just 

What has a local sheme to with IMAP servers ?
You have tryed to access ist localy...

The maildir is to access via IMAP.

> concerned the users may have 'trouble' with these differences. :)

I do not know, what you mean.  Because I MUST access courier, cyrus
and uw-imap and there is no difference in the directories.

I see only the level where I am in.  And if a Directory has a "." in
it, I see it as "the/point/directory/".

If you do not know, how to configure 'courier-imap' or 'mutt' (yes,
'mutt' needs different setings for "/" and ".")

For courier-imap:
        set imap_delim_chars="."

For Cyrus
        set imap_delim_chars="/"

But the standard seting in 'mutt' is

        set imap_delim_chars="/."

> thanks,
> mikeS


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