Re: Courier or Cyrus
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 19:33, Michael Loftis wrote:
> There is one serious problem. He'll need multiple servers since the unix
> UID limit hits at 65535. So you can only get about 64k users created per
> box, regardless of anything else.
I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that as of kernel 2.6 this number
is much higer - somewhere over a million.
> Using pam_ldap or SASL LDAP plugin you can then have basically unlimited
> users per server without a problem, have a replicated LDAP system using
> openLDAP.
This is one of the things I'm planning to do - testing an LDAP setup on our
company mail server now.
> The mail install you're talking about sounds like it's going to be pretty
> huge. Even say receiving 1 mail/mailbox/day that's a lot of mail. More
> likely you'll be getting closer to an average of 1 mail/mailbox/minute.
> That's a LOT of mail. You could easily need half a dozen very beefy boxes
> to handle that much mail depending on how much spam/virus/etc features you
> want.
Thanks. That's the worst part of designing this. At the moment I'm working
on how to build a multi-box system that can easily be expanded by just adding
more boxes. Much easier said than done.
Kind regards
Hans du Plooy
SagacIT (Pty) Ltd
hansdp at sagacit dot com
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