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Re: Mail Delivery (failure jcooper@planetz.com)

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 06:29, "John Cooper" <list@planetz.com> wrote:
> > John C has requested that
> > the following message be removed from the archives.
> My apologies that my autoresponder spammed the list.  I've never posted to
> the debian-isp list.  Apparently someone's machine is infected with an
> email-worm, which has used my jcooper address (which I stopped using
> several years ago) as the return address.

This always happens.

> I started using an autoresponder after experimenting with spam-net,
> spamassassin, and qurb for well over a year.  When you receive hundreds of
> spam per day, 9x% isn't good enough.    Since I started using a responder,

You could have just disabled that address entirely if that was your desire and 
let people who want to contact you use other methods.  People were 
communicating long before email was invented.

> I have received virtually zero spam, aside from those individuals like
> nigerian scammers, who make an effort to respond by hand.   Yes, there are

That's a temporary thing.  Once spammers get your address they share it.

> > Requests to have list archives altered to hide the evidence of
> > your mis-deeds doesn't work either.
> Clearly I've touched a nerve with Mr. Coker!  The virtiolic nature of his
> response here, and the public posting of my private email address which I
> was trying to protect, is simply inane and immature.    Next time, Mr.
> Coker, consider a private email, before publically hanging someone.

I gave up on that long ago.  When I respond privately the offender never fixes 
their system to stop spamming.  Publicising their mis-deeds is the only way 
to stop spammers.

> Yes, I have asked the list manager to at least remove my personal johnc
> address from the archive, which was so needlessly cc'd there.   (Notice I'm
> replying from my "list@planetz" address which I use for public postings).
> Secondarily, if the list managers so desire, they can remove this whole
> thread, which is totally off topic for this list in the first place.

No, it will never be removed.  Any attempt you make to remove it will most 
likely get it more widely known.  There is nothing you can do other than 
ceasing your spamming.

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