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Re: fetchmail errors ..

also sprach johon Doe <johond@yahoo.com> [2004.10.26.1614 +0200]:
> Hi, I have some problems with fetchmail.. I fetch mail
> from different mailserver and everythings seem work
> well, here is a fetchmail's piece of log:

This is hardly a question for debian-isp. Please go to debian-user
in the future!

> fetchmail: SMTP> MAIL FROM:<amicomio@mioamico.org>
> SIZE=49281
> fetchmail: SMTP< 250 Ok
> fetchmail: SMTP> RCPT TO:<mialogin@localhost>
> fetchmail: SMTP< 250 Ok
> fetchmail: SMTP> DATA
> fetchmail: SMTP< 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
> #*************fetchmail: SMTP>. (EOM)
> fetchmail: SMTP< 250 Ok: queued as 7490AC80
> flushed
> fetchmail: POP3> DELE 1
> fetchmail: POP3<
> fetchmail: POP3> QUIT
> fetchmail: POP3< ------=_NextPart_000_54183524
> fetchmail: client/server protocol error while fetching
> from mail1.isp.it

MDaemon (the mail server) is thoroughly broken. Get a better one.

This is not a fetchmail problem but one related to MDaemon. If you
can, somehow delete the messages on the server.

> anyway how can I solve this ?

Go to a different provider. Or use IMAP?

> P.S. If I download the mails with sylpheed, everything go well.

So sylpheed is more tolerant against MDaemon's errors.

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
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