I has try to call the mcrypt functions on a
my PHP Version 4.3.7-dotdeb + APACHE + DEBIAN WOODY System.
$td = mcrypt_module_open('tripledes',
'', 'ecb', '');
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv (mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $llave, $iv); $datos_cifrados = mcrypt_generic($td, $entrada); mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); mcrypt_module_close($td); ........................
But the execution of this script give me the error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
mcrypt_module_open() in
It seems that my php has no mcrypt module linked,
so php.net saids me to :
..................To use it, download
libmcrypt-x.x.tar.gz .................. and then
.................. You need to compile PHP with the --with-mcrypt[=DIR] parameter to enable this extension. DIR
is the mcrypt install directory. Make sure you compile libmcrypt with the option
So i do a "apt-get install libmcrypt4" and
installed the libmcrypt in the system and then i has seen on my phpinfo() that
Configure Command
but the problem go on. So I ask to resolver my
problem :
Should i recompile my php in order to support mcrypt using the--with-mcrypt[=DIR] ?
How could i do this recompile procedure, could i do it with apt?
Is there another way to resolve my problem?
Thanks in advance,
Francisco Castillo.