Re: Streaming Video Server
On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:02:46AM +0200, Stefan Neufeind wrote:
> Or you might want to try out the Helix Server (from Real Networks) - which is
> afaik not really "free" either. Have a look at:
> Haven't yet played with it. But I heared the developer-tools they offer allow
> easy configuration and compilation. The server allows you to do streaming of
> RealAudio/-Video if needed.
> I'd appreciate to hear from you about your test-results on streaming-video-
> servers (private mail) - or maybe others here are interested as well.
I work for a streaming media provider and we run the following
streaming servers on debian woody :
Helix Streaming Server
Real Server 8 (will only run on 2.2.x kernels)
Darwin Streaming Server 4
They all work on debian without any problems.
Beside that we run windows media services 4.1 and windows media
services 9 (windows 2003) ugh!
Venlig Hilsen/Kind Regards
Thomas Kirk
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"What do we need a psychiatrist for? We know our kid is nuts." --
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