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RE: LSB and Debian, Commercial perspective

> On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 07:07:31PM +1000, Jason Lim wrote:
> > Well, I think you'd be in the minority of you don't care if vendors 
> > officially support Debian. From a commercial perspective, 
> what happens 
> > if your tech support department calls up the vendor asking for some 
> > assistance, and as soon as you tell them you're running 
> Debian, they 
> > go all quiet?
> -What- vendor?
> (And, yep, RMS would be proud of my servers. :))

Well, some of us do need Oracle for business reasons.  And while I'm an
opensource advocate and choose opensource technology whenever it makes
sense, Oracle is a darned good database, with fairly good support. (if
you can afford it)

Now, back on topic, I'm pretty sure that Oracle's unspoken policy is
that if you have Oracle on Debian (a non-certified platform according to
them) your support contract is still good up to a point.  As soon as you
run into anything that might be distribution-related Oracle Support will
bill you T&M to resolve the issue.

C. R. Oldham
Director of Technology

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