Re: Woody routing question...
On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 07:49:14 -0700, Ted Deppner <>
>On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 11:00:21PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
>> On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 10:19:36 -0700, Ted Deppner <> wrote:
>> >If you want to be able to use both IPs from either network (a common
>> >occurance even if you didn't plan it), you should probably turn off
>> >RP_FILTER in the kernel.
>> Why?
>rp_filter will drop packets coming in interface A that have a source in
>the network of interface B. It essentially polices that packets that
>"should" come in B have to come in B.
Notice "source address". So, rp_filter's setting is irrelevant when it
comes to reaching _any_ ip address of the local host as long as it
comes in from the interface that matches the source address.
>This is only usually a concern where you have two interfaces facing the
>same general network traffic.
Or when you suspect IP spoofing.
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Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29
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