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Virtual Domains Email: How do you do it?

Haim Dimermanas writes:
 > Hi all,
 >  I need to do email hosting for a large number of domains. My solution
 > consists in Postfix for the MTA, Cyrus for the LDA and IMP for the MUA.
 > Emails have to be accessible by POP as well.
 >  After some research, I came to the conclusion that each individual needed
 > to have an account under Cyrus as a local user. Let me explain. Let's say I
 > host email for john@example.com. The string "john@example.com" is not a
 > valid Cyrus username (mailbox in fact but you see my point). A translation
 > needs to takes place.
 >  I decided to replace the '@' by '~' and the '.' by '-'. This is where I
 > want some input. In my case, john@example.com becomes the user
 > john~example-com
 >  So in postfix virtual table I have
 > john@example.com	john~example-com
 > This way, all mail for john@example.com is accepted and redirected to the
 > local (cyrus) user john~example-com.
 >  I want to know how you guys do it. Is doing a simple s/\@/~/ and s/\./-/ a
 > good scalable way to work? I wonder.
 >  Now my next question is: if you can't have john@example.com as the
 > username, how do you manage to get the user to log on using his email
 > address instead of an ugly john~example-com?
 > 	Haim.
 > --  
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If you have many many domains use LDAP for authentication and account

If not just asign a unique username to each mail a use the classic




Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.
Tels. 665.99.41 - 09.874.60.17
e-mail: felipe.alvarez@qlsoft.cl


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