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Re: im-config | Use im-config on Wayland without uninstalling IBus (!5)

2020년 7월 11일 (토) 오전 5:13, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj@ubuntu.com>님이 작성:
> The most important reason IMO is the way that change would affect the UI
> for explicitly setting the desired IM framework. The change would affect
> all IM users, not only Korean ones. In addition to that, users may speak
> more than one language, so dismissing the broken OSK as a non-issue for
> ibus-hangul users is not correct.

Let's not repeat that again. "The UI" is actually the Ubuntu settings
UI which is only in Ubuntu and not in Debian. We are not working on
im-config for compatibility with a derived distro's settings UI.
Whatever breakage the Ubuntu UI would have, it can be handled by
updating the Ubuntu UI or making an Ubuntu version of im-config. We
are talking about the Debian version of im-config and we should talk
in the context of Debian, not Ubuntu.

And there seems to be no new argument why this GNOME/Wayland
conditional should be in the "ibus" choice. And I gave enough reasons
why some users do not want this GNOME Wayland input default and why
the choice should be kept.

Changwoo Ryu

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