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Re: im-config | Use im-config on Wayland without uninstalling IBus (!5)

Hi Gunnar and Changwoo

On Mon, 2020-07-06 at 22:24 +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> On 2020-05-26 02:53, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
> > You are talking about ignoring a large group of users including the
> > whole Korean language users.
> No I'm not talking about ignoring anyone. But I'm acting.
> I brought up the ibus-hangul/mutter issue with Ubuntu's desktop
> team. 
> More precisely this issue:
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/948
> That made Daniel van Vugt add a couple of comments, which brought a 
> related MR to life:
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/1286
> As far as I can tell the issue is now about to be fixed. I have 
> successfully tested the changes in that MR.


Please help me understand situation assuming this MR is accepted.

== Testing/Sid system ==

* Are you sure just waiting this fix to migrate is enough to fix this 
  Korean input problem?   (If so, I will wait without touching
  im-config on testing/sid)

== Stable system ==

* Does this fix have chance to be included in the next stable update?
  (I doubt this and we should not count on this)

* Does this fix have chance to be included in the backport?
  (I think this may happen but this is no excuse for not fixing this
   bad situation)

* What exactly is the concern to add workaround approach proposed by
  Changwoo to the im-config.  Breaking virtual keyboard is non-issue
  since this is useless for Korean input at this moment.  Since "auto"
  is the place where most desirable choice is recommended, I see no
  reason to reject Changwoo's proposal.

(I am not sure how broken Debian stable impacts Ubuntu since it seems 
 to pull many packages from testing even under LTS releases.  I will
 leave it to you.  But I need to ensure usable Debain stable release.)


Can you propose patch to the stable release?  Then we can offer usable
Debian system to the stable user.  Thus should be as small as possible
so we can ask stable updates.


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