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Re: The new DDTP/DDTSS

Wow, thanks for the detailed response. Comments inline.

On 21 October 2012 14:10, Davide Prina <davide.prina@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I open a description for review I see the "Accept with change button"
> activated, but I don't have make any changes. I can press it and so I
> restart the translation process
> When I have review a description the page stop on "Translation updated,
> review process restarted" and I have to press the "Continue" link

Ok, these are weird. I don't get this. These buttons are explicitly
disabled in Javascript so that they are accessible for non-javascript
users. Can you check they're not an artifact of NoScript?

Note that I have explicitly tried to get external javascripts like
jQuery from CDN's, the idea being that anything hosted that way is
quicker to load. Maybe this is not a good idea?

But there is an issue that you shouldn't be able to restart the
process that way... Actually this turns out not to be quite as simple
as I thought, so I've added it to my list.

> When I start a new translation I have the button "Submit" enabled and I can
> press it with all the <trans> paragraphs. After I found the Package (in my
> example "darts") in the "Pending translation" section with a star
> (involved). In the old DDTSS you cannot "Submit" if there is a <trans>
> paragraph

That is indeed a change. The idea is that sometimes descriptions are
really long and that it can take a lot of work to translate. This way
you can save partial translation. They then remain in the 'Pending
Translation' list. This seemed friendlier to me, but perhaps it could
be clearer? Do you have suggestions here?

> I see that now the 80 character short description is mandatory... hmm... I
> think that in general this control is ok, bug there are some English short
> description longer than 80 characters that can be difficulty shortened to 80
> in local language. This is not a bug, but can be a problem for translators

At first I didn't know what you meant, since the HTML is the same as
before. But I see now the model is indeed stricter. I've bumped this
to 160 because as you say, some languages need more space. Perhaps I
should remove the limit altogether and simply trust the translators?

> If I press the Coordinate link I get "Forbidden", I don't know if it is
> correct (I'm an administrator... I think...)

I noticed this and have fixed it (hopefully).

> I have used the link "New comment" and "Reply" to a comment in
> "darcs-monitor" packages, but they don't work, I don't have a reply or a new
> comment in that package. After that I have the message: "message sent: None
> 37838 None None"

Looking into this it seems the whole messages/comments stuff on the
translate is a little confused. I'll have to think about how to fix

> I try to fetch a package already translated "" with the milestone interface
> and I get some django errors:

Whoops! Fixed.

> I like a lot fuzzy translations :-) and milestone list

The fuzzy translations are (I hope) the most useful feature, but there
are many others...

Thanks for the feedback,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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