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Re: contributing to the DDTSS

On 3 March 2012 10:59, Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org> wrote:
> Quoting Martijn van Oosterhout (kleptog@gmail.com):
>> Ok, I've caught up and figured out the problem. I've (hopefully) fixed
> *thanks* for this, Martijn.
> How do you think would be the best way to properly notify you in case
> such problems happen. Apparently, you don't follow the -i18n mailing
> list closely (no offense intended, of course.....I know this list is
> "spammed" by many mails by the same person..:-))

Well, this email is address is really the address which I use for
mailing lists which I don't read very often. My attention was drawn to
the problem because someone sent a message to me on my other address
which I do monitor regularly, kleptog(at)svana.org.

> Would debian-l10n-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org be more appropriate?
> Or private mails (or CC copies) have better chances?
> We unfortunately "lost" 1.5 months of DDT* work because things were
> broken because, indeed, all of us were unable to fix the code (or
> understand where things were broken). I plea guilty for this, probably
> by not doing enough noise but I'd like to be more efficient next time
> some breakage happens (fingers crossed).

Ouch, it was only 23 January that the description changes happened but
it was broken since before that? Since I figured that others were
paying attention I didn't.

Long term maintenance of the DDTP project is an issue that I do worry
about. I personally think that the DDTSS-Django project is a much
firmer basis to continue on. It already handles the DDTSS side and the
normal web interface, but I think with not too much work could handle
most of the rest, with significantly less code that the current
system. It's also possible for people to setup their own DDTSS-Django
systems much more easily than the current one, which is good for

If there really is such a great issue with maintenance I think it
would be an idea to push ahead with the new system. I've "fixed" it
now, but it's not going to win any beauty contests. In particular the
parsing of the Tags is now broken and would require quite a bit of
rearranging to fix.

I know there were plans in this area, but I'm afraid I lost track.

BTW, I'm not 100% convinced everything is working smoothly, so if
there are still issues, don't be afraid to speak out. I've cleaned up
the DDTSS database so that it now longer shows the errors message
people were complaining about.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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