po4a version and release-notes: (was: svn write access for release-notes)
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 10:51:17PM +0100, Javier Fernandez-Sanguino wrote:
> > It's no longer the case (2 days ago, hence my remark), I wonder why Javier made
> > that change:
> > http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/ddp/manuals/trunk/release-notes/Makefile?r1=7038&r2=8202
> I changed it because I thought the Makefile was written to prevent it
> from using *older* versions of po4a (not newer). I was not aware of
> issues with newer versions of po4a. My bad.
Me neither.. but checking at statistics in the different cases proves different.
We even have 3 differnts cases:
- 0.34 po4a
- 0.40 po4a with the 0.xx Docbook.pm from po4a lib/
- 0.40 po4a only (for 100% in 0.34, it brings down to :
680 translated messages, 90 fuzzy translations, 60 untranslated messages)
As we have an up to date po4a backport, once the relevant po4a options will be
used to avoid these fuzzy (post squeeze, no doubt), we can synchronize change
in po files and po4a update on www-master.
> If the issue is that the files have to be generated with *precisely*
> version 0.34 then we should revert the change and add a warning in the
> Makefile.
> Should I do this?
Done (r8285)
Simon Paillard
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