Re: svn write access for release-notes
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:25:54AM +0200, Stan Ioan-Eugen wrote:
> Solved. I have write access, thanks to Andrei Popescu's help. The
> documentation was not very clear.
I though pointing to at the top of would be sufficient..
> It should state that you need to upload the ssh key to your alioth account
> and to be a member of ddp to gain update privileges. These are sufficient
> conditions.
If by upload you mean ssh-copy-id or manual copy of the key, it won't work for
a long time, see
You must install SSH keys via the FusionForge web interface:
> I have received some good signs about people who want to contribute. I
> hope we do a good job.
We have some constraints about the po4a version used for the release-notes,
please avoid running updatepo yourself (or do it with po4a 0.34).
Simon Paillard
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