On 14/01/2011 21:12, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 07:49:21PM +0100, Davide Prina wrote:
Note also that the DDTSS is used to spam site, I have already rejected some of these suggestion. Yesterday a new spam suggestion has been added: http://ddtp.debian.net/ddtss/index.cgi/suggestion/11298 If these people found how to approve the suggestion we can have spam in packages description.I'm not to comfortable with the DDTP system but isn't there a known set of revisers who should be able to prevent this?
yes, but one can have four account or four different IP (via anonymous) and approve a translated package description in few seconds
Ciao Davide PS: I CC you because I don't understand if you read the list or not... -- Dizionari: http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki Fate una prova di guida ... e tenetevi la macchina!: http://linguistico.sf.net/wiki/doku.php?id=usaooo2 Non autorizzo la memorizzazione del mio indirizzo su outlook