Hello Christian, On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 07:24:22AM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Quoting Bill Allombert (Bill.Allombert@math.u-bordeaux1.fr): > > > > How many strings does it contain? > > > > You mean the POT file ? about 4154 msgid strings, 2491 of them do not > > contains spaces. Maybe a l10n expert could review the POT file and provide > > some guidance how to reduce it size. > > Well, it's hard to decide in advance that "this is translatable" and > "this is not". I'd suggest leaving things as is and up to translators > to decide whether a given string needs translation. When it doesn't, > hitting "Ctrl-Space" (or any other key combinations in gettext editors > that copies a msgid in msgstr) is easy and fast. Yes, this seems perfectly acceptable. > > > > Now the only question is whether you are willing to translate that. > > > > > > As I already mentioned in the past, that's probably one of the major > > > questions. Nowadays, the Debian menu is somehow conflicting with the > > > FreeDesktop menu system used in major desktop environments. Of course, > > > I know it does not really *conflict* but, when present, it appears as > > > an extra menu, which may be confusing. > > > > I would say that Debian menu is complementary to the FreeDesktop menu. > > The FreeDesktop menu is limited to desktop applications, while the Debian > > menu contains much more entries, so it is useful to have both: > > a quick access to desktop applications and an exhaustive list of applications. > > Sure. That definitely gives menu an importance...but probably lower > than that of the FD menu. From a translators perspective it would be great if either one can seed the other, so if a FD menu translation is available it could seed the Debian menu entries and vice versa. > > popcon report 50000 installations for menu and only 32000 for gnome-core. > > Add the installs of "whatever package provides the KDE menu" and "same > for LXDE", "same for XFCE", etc... I don't know if these numbers really help. Add 500 for us at work (we don't use popcon) for FD menu, and add a few people I know for the Debian menu. I think the statement is that people use Debian menu and not if that are 58% or 37%. > > But anyway, I do not believe in abstraction like "real end users". I maintain > > menu because I use it, my family use it, and my friends use it. > > Sure. The point is not abandoning menu. It is about prioritizing the > translators work. Only having "menu is used by Bill's friends" as an > argument to translate over 4000 strings in Northern Sotho is a bit short..:-) > > Still, I'd suggest we hook up menu-l10n's git repo on Pootle at > i18n.debian.net and leave up to translators to decide they work on it > or not. Could you also republish the original git repro which can be cloned by transltors working on menu? > To achieve this, I probably need to clone the right branch, on > i18n.debian.net, turn this in a "pootle" branch which you would merge > in before releasing a new package version, when needed. Also it would be great if during freeze time as was suggested by Bill a final call could be issued here (with links to the git version and pootle) so translators would have a time window of 10 days or so (given the number of strings, a few extra days wouldn't hurt) to update their local copies and file bugs or push translations to pootle. Greetings Helge -- Dr. Helge Kreutzmann debian@helgefjell.de Dipl.-Phys. http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php 64bit GNU powered gpg signed mail preferred Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/
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