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Re: fwknop 1.9.7-3: Please translate debconf PO for the package fwknop


To make things easier, I keep track of everything. You will find the
current po.files at the following url.


If this does not work, feel free to go through the fwknop.git repository
within the debian branch to find them.


The certificate is a self-signed certificate.

I have removed the ukrainian po file since this one needs to be
massively updated. (still available in a previous commit)

I have updated the it.po file to remove the fuzzy line, set the CHARSET
value to __UTF-8__, and set the Project-id-version to __fwknop__.

If you want to update your files, pick them in the repository and send
them to me. I will update them in the project afterwards.

I will unfuzzy the files if needded at the end.


Franck Joncourt
http://debian.org - http://smhteam.info/wiki/
Fingerprint : C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF 9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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