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Re: Can release-notes be checked out from cvs?

2007/3/17, Jens Seidel <jensseidel@users.sf.net>:
> Updated Russian release-notes is attached.

thanks for the update. I committed it.

It seems the old version (encoded in UTF-8) was not buildable with an
unhacked debiandoc-sgml version!? Why did nobody noticed it?
Actually, the encoding for Russian release-notes was a koi8-r in the
old version.

About debiandoc-sgml 1.1.101. I installed this testing version and
not found UTF-8 patches from #389065. Why ?

Also please work using CVS not against it :-)
Your file missed the fixes introduced in revision 1.4 (fixed a typo in a
url and removed doubled slash) and 1.5 (Adapted version header to be
compatible with check-trans.pl).
Sorry, my mistake.

Why did your translation miss the information which was fixed already in
the past?
I using a po4-a, which working with release.en and not with release.ru from
cvs. I already did changes in the translator_russian.add and the
version header will be included now.

PS: I hope I fixed it right. Don't know why, but vim fails again to view
the file correctly, even after :set encoding=koi8-r or/and :set
Yes, all correct. Thank you.

For vim:
:e ++enc=koi8-r release-notes.ru.sgml

Yuri Kozlov

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