Changes prepended with ">" > - This status will be sent less often given the few changes now > - Lithuanian completes level 3 and 4 - 6 waiting for tasksel to be re-completed: el eo id it uk zh_TW - 20 languages are 100% everywhere: ca cs da de dz es eu fr gl ja km nb nl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sv vi >- 33 languages are 100% for levels 1 to 4 ar bg bs ca cs da de dz es eu fi fr gl hu ja km ko lt nb ne nl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sq sv th tr vi wo zh_CN >- 34 languages are 100% for levels 1 to 3 ar bg bs ca cs da de dz es eu fi fr gl hr hu ja km ko lt nb ne nl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sq sv th tr vi wo zh_CN >- 41 languages are 100% for levels 1 and 2 ar bg bn bs ca cs da de dz es et eu fi fr gl gu he hi hr hu ja km ko lt mk nb ne nl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sq sv th tl tr vi wo zh_CN - Status of languages we kept in RC1 even if not complete: Latvian (98%): ack from translator, promise to complete for RC2 > Punjabi (95%): l1 now only 21u > Kurdish (77%): 104f203u. Slow progress in Rosetta Slovenian, Norwegian Nynorsk, Estonian, Polish, Bosnian, Bulgarian: now complete - Status of de-activated languages: Belarusian: now 100%. Re-activated Georgian: now 100%. Will be reactivated > Malayalam: strong activity. Likely to be activated for RC2. 1379t Amharic: high activity, 672t, last update 11/22 Icelandic: low activity, 762t, last update 10/22 Welsh: no activity, 1102t, last update: 03/17. Contact re-established Kazakh: no activity, 1047t, last update: 2005/12/20. No answer Northern Sami: no activity, 939t, last update: 08/22 Malagasy: no activity, 931t, last update: 05/08. Contact but busy Persian: no activity, 850t, last update 2005/07/31. No contact Xhosa: no activity, 712t, last update 2005/06/13. No contact Irish: no activity, 606t, last update: 2006/03/21. Too busy Serbian: no activity, 3t, 2004/9/15 Marathi: no activity (but responsive), 0t (but 755f), 2006/08/01 Work will begin post-etch I tried to re-establish contact, again, with some of these translators, as well as translators for not yet started languages: Kannada: got an answer. Work will start next week-end Lao: got an answer...but not from coordinator Malay: got an answer. Completed the NLP Telugu: got an answer. Will begin work next week-end --
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