On 10/11/2006, at 7:00 AM, Yavor Doganov wrote:
Mike Butler wrote:On 09/11/06, Yavor Doganov <yavor@doganov.org> wrote:Are LocFactory Editor or Mac PO Editor free software? We could port them to GNUstep and they could be available in Debian if that's the case.Both Mac PO Editor and LocFactory Editor Lite are free.By "free software" I always mean free-as-in-freedom, as described in http://gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html.However neither is Open Source."Open Source" is a vague term invented by some to "help" us forget the goals of freedom and community. Using it causes only confusion and works against the main purpose of the Free Software Movement, see http://gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html for a brief explanation.
Ouch. I got bitten on this topic some time ago. It certainly helps to have it explained, but I think it's also important to realize that the person using this term incorrectly, simply through ignorance, may be extremely well-intentioned and not deliberately engaged in any conspiracy to defeat the aims of free software. Especially since at the time of making that statement, s/he didn't know what those aims were.
We're all here and doing our best to help. The aims of free software are only one of many things we need to learn on our way. Let's be a little kinder to other learners, OK?
There are some free apps for MuckOS X
Including not insulting someone's chosen operating system. Aspersions like that really take me aback in a community where we are all trying hard to work together.
I have chosen my operating system based on my knowledge, experience, and personal situation. It works best for me. I ask you to respect that.
Mike replied:
Ah... I've been talking to Clytie about similar themes recently... I'd love to ( what I'd call) Open Source it ( and what you might call free it )... The idea has always tugged at me. However, this is how I feed my family ( in a manner of speaking). I don't work for anyone else. And a large portion of what I do I release for free. So I depend on the people who are generous enough to buy the one version of the one product that I do charge for. If there's any way around this ( and Clytie will vouch for this ) I'll happily jump at the chance...
and I can vouch most firmly, and in any amount of detail required, for Mike's voluntary contributions to free-software localization. He is one of the most capable and cooperative developers I have met, willing to put huge amounts of time into helping his users and understanding their needs. His support for i18n standards is cutting- edge (LFE and POE are the only PO editors to be based entirely on XLIFF, while allowing conversions of a range of free-software formats, although Pootle is nearly there now) and his skills in bridging the professional and voluntary translation worlds are increasingly important as more and more commercial funding and involvement comes into free-software development and i18n.
This guy really wants to help, and already does a lot to help. This is the sort of person we need. Let's be a little more welcoming, OK?
from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
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