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Re: Locales and D-I Manual

Thanks to both Miroslav and Eddy for their helpful replies. :)

On 04/06/2006, at 7:38 PM, Eddy Petrişor wrote:

Overall, I was looking for the appropriate Vietnamese locale to set.
That should be a UTF-8 locale for Vietnamese, either vi.UTF-8 or
vi_VN.UTF-8. I'm looking in /usr/share/locale — is that the correct

vi_VN.UTF-8 or any other name is just a symbolic name which will not
have a file counterpart on your system. At most there will be a vi or
vi_VN file.The connection between the long name and the actual locale
is made by glibc internals.

Ah. Thanks for explaining that.

So in the D-I Manual preseed file, where it uses "us" or "en_US" in locale examples, I could input "vi" instead?

On a Debian system you can enable and configure a locale by installing
the locales package and selecting it in the debconf dialog (if it
doesn't appear, you can run later "dpkg-reconfigure locales")

I myself am running Mac OSX, which is a UNIX (BSD) base, and my
system doesn't have any Vietnamese locales at all ! Which surprises
me, since all the options included in a locale (keyboard layouts,
timezones, time formats, money formats etc.) are available in the OSX
GUI for Vietnamese. (Maybe I _am_ looking in the wrong location?)

Probably on OSX the locale information is somewhere under /System or /Library.

Certainly for the GUI. I'm not so sure about X11, though...

As Miroslav said, you can see the whole locale list
/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED, but you won't need that to set the locale.

My husband's Debian testing install doesn't show that directory, nor any directory of that name on the system. It's about a month old, and a fairly minimal system. He does have a long list of locales in /usr/ share/locales, though. Perhaps his install didn't activate some of the i18n options, since he doesn't need them. (Yes, he says he doesn't have the package "locales".)

Thanks for your help. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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