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Hurd installation report

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Hello, today I tried to reinstall my Debian GNU/Hurd system.

The original system was intalled via K7 CD, and working perfectly, but
due to sudden power off, the data corrupted and it didn't boot any more.
And because my cdrom was also broken last time, I tried to install it
via some "cross" way.

At first I download the tarball and unpack it from my GNU/Linux system,
But after the reboot to the Hurd system, some system message shows that
"/liexec/console-run: /dev/console not found" (I cannot repeat it
exactly, but more or less the same meaning), and drop me a shell which
I could do nothing (system is readonly and nothing under /dev). I used
the newest tarball from [1] and operated according to the guide [2] and

Then I tried "crosshurd" package, and did as the docs in /usr/share/doc,
the same thing happened after the rebooting.

I remember I did a cross installation one or two year ago, It works very
fine, just untar-reboot-nativeinstall-reboot-nativeinstall. Is it because
now we start a hurd console by default?(I've ever seen such a discussion
before in this list)

So I searched and found the xattr way[4], also from this list. I installed
modified linux kernel of 2.6.15 and patched "star", then run crosshurd,
it set all the trans correctly. but after booting it, I found I cannot
login (yes, the root password is not empty!)... and everything gone well
after I copied /etc/shadow from the Linux partition.

[1] http://ftp.gnuab.org/pub/debian/base/
[2] http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install
[3] http://www.walfield.org/pub/people/neal/papers/hurd-installation-guide/english/hurd-install-guide.html
[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2004/08/msg00006.html
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