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Re: Palladium

On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 12:23:14AM -0400, Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
> I think it's actually worse than that.  It might get to the point
> where only a "certified" operating system may connect to the Internet
> in the USA; congress having been wrongly convinced by the media lobbys
> that crackers running something like GNU/Hurd could break through the
> protection of "intellectual property" rights.

that's futile. who will care when we have our own free internet [1]

[1] like, see http://seattlewireless.net/

> I would think that an OS like the Hurd with limited (political)
> resources might have a hard time in that environment.

did you mean an OS like GNU, or a set of servers like the Hurd? i
myself only see political implications in the system as a whole.

Robert Millan

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