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HURD icon attempt number 2 : Full-body Gnus.

HURD icon attempt number 2 : Full-body Gnus. 

This email referrs to images at: 
(Scroll down. Newer stuff is at the bottom of the page)

As I said, I can't draw complex things. These Gnus look silly. I traced over 
the GNU gnu-head in gimp to simplify the outline for scaling down and drew 
the body freehand (whoever it was - some guy at Apple, I think - that said a 
mouse is like drawing with a crayon stuck in a potato wasn't wrong!). 

Although hopless at drawing, I have a good eye for art and see two quite 
fixable problems with these sketches: 

1) All the gnus are identical - since I just re-pasted them from a master 
image, that is understandable. They should be standing around in different 
poses, though facing the same general direction. 

2) They are too flat. The line art must be kept simple, but not THAT simple. 
The heads look fine (as I copied them) but my bodies are not too hot. I do 
like the shaggy bottom of their bodies, though. Something rendered in 3d (as 
the geomes were) would probably look really cool but I can't get through 
Blender's obtuse UI that far yet! 

Glenn Alexander - The man with no surname and a silly hat.
(Now avaliable in China!)


I use LINUX: http://www.linux.org
and   KDE  : http://www.kde.org

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