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Re: Old message about ftpfs that works :)

"Frederico S. Muñoz" wrote: 

> Of course, with my fixes to ftpfs, I just do the following:
> settrans -c /ftp /hurd/hostmux /hurd/ftpfs /
> and then:
> cd /ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-hurd-i386
> and then I can directly dpkg -i without needing to worry further.

Ah.. Now this seems to explain some of the problems I've been having:

moxon:~# showtrans /ftp
/hurd/hostmux /hurd/ftpfs /
moxon:~# ls /ftp
ftp.debian.org  jimbo.trustix.com  sunsite.uio.no
moxon:~# cd /ftp/ftp.debian.org
moxon:/ftp/ftp.debian.org# ls
debian  du-s  incoming  lost+found  pub  serverfull.msg  welcome.msg
moxon:/ftp/ftp.debian.org# cd /ftp/ftp.trustix.net
moxon:/ftp/ftp.trustix.net# ls
bin  etc  lib  pub
moxon:/ftp/ftp.trustix.net# cd /ftp/sunsite.uio.no
bash: cd: /ftp/sunsite.uio.no: Gratuitous error


Might the problem be that ftpfs does not especially much like wu-ftpd?
The debian site runs some proftpd, Trustix has "Version 6.5/OpenBSD,
linux port 0.3.2", while the Norwegian sunsite has wu-2.6.1(2).
Tests against other wu-ftp servers seem to show the same "Gratuitous

I remember some talk when wu-2.6.0 or something was released about the
fact that it's implementation of ftp had some quirks that made it
incompatible with some clients.  I believe that /hurd/ftpfs might just
be one of those clients.  Has anybody else had success running ftpfs
against wu-ftpd >= 2.0.6?

If it ain't broke, don't break it.

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