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Problems cross-compiling gnumach

Hello hurd-maniacs! I quit long time ago trying to cross compile gnumach,
I never had success on that, but today I tried again.

I installed i386-gnu-gcc and i386-gnu-mig (the debs), mounted the hurd
on /gnu, went to the gnumach source dir, wrote export CC=i386-gnu-gcc
and put:

./configure --enable-ide --enable-floppy i386-pc-gnu

It went OK till it stopped saying:

i386-gnu-gcc -O -o clib-routines.o -r -nostartfiles -nostdlib -static -x c /dev/
null \
      -Wl,-u,memcpy -Wl,-u,memset -Wl,-u,bcopy -Wl,-u,bzero -Wl,-u,htonl -Wl,-u,
htons -Wl,-u,ntohl -Wl,-u,ntohs \
            -L`dirname \`i386-gnu-gcc -O --print-file-name=libc.a\`` -lc
            ld: cannot open -lc: No such file or directory
            make: *** [clib-routines.o] Error 1

Just for playing a little, I edited this line on the Makefile:

clib-routines.o: Makefile
        $(CC) -o $@ -r -nostartfiles -nostdlib -static -x c /dev/null \
                 $(addprefix $(Wl-u),$(clib-routines)) \
                 -L`dirname \`$(CC) --print-file-name=libc.a\`` -lc

and deleted the -lc option (which I don't know for what it worths.
It followed compiling, and then it stopped again, saying:

nm -g clib-routines.o | \
awk ' $3 == "memcpy" || $3 == "__memcpy" ||  $3 == "memset" || $3 == "__memset"
||  $3 == "bcopy" || $3 == "__bcopy" ||  $3 == "bzero" || $3 == "__bzero" ||  $3
 == "htonl" || $3 == "__htonl" ||  $3 == "htons" || $3 == "__htons" ||  $3 == "n
tohl" || $3 == "__ntohl" ||  $3 == "ntohs" || $3 == "__ntohs" || 0 \
               { match_cnt++; total_cnt++; next } \
                                      $2 == "W" { weak_cnt++ } \
                                                             { total_cnt++ } \

    END { exit total_cnt - (match_cnt + weak_cnt) }'

    make: *** [check-clib-routines] Error 8

Do you people have a clue on what am I doing wrong? (besides deleting
that -lc option, that seems to be a stupid thing, but you got to understand
that I'm desperate!).

Thanks in advance!

"Some stupid bugs have been replaced by newer ones".
		What's New of the 'SCSI programming HOWTO'

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