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Re: Where's Grub?

> On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 05:01:20AM -0400, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> > The first thing you need is fully ensymboled binaries.  I am still
> > upset that the Debian packages don't have symbols, and I really really
> > want people to rethink this bug.  But given that, you just have to
> > have ensymboled binaries.
> Yes, I understand your concerns. However, if we would have unstripped
> binaries by default, the distribution would blow up a lot. Note that we
> binaries for about 10 plattforms and 2200 packages. The distribution is
> taking several gigabytes to mirror already, and the bandwidth is also a
> concern. It's not good enough to strip the binaries at install time as a
> user option, because I would still have to d/l it over my $$$ link.
> Most people would not debug the software anyway. Under Linux, an strace is
> often all you need.
Shame the symbols cannot be packaged seperate from the binaries. or that
there isn't a devel.debian.org that had the same packages with symbols

-David Waite

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