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Re: -prof for hslogger


Am Samstag, den 03.07.2010, 22:50 +0200 schrieb Giovanni Mascellani:
>  * source/format: you're setting it to 1.0; are there any specific
> reason for not use 3.0 (quilt)? If not, I'd say 3.0 it's more recommended.

We use 3.0 (quilt) for the other packages, but it is no big deal. Maybe
1.0 works better with git-buildpackage? 

>  * About the fact that libghc6-missingh-doc is substituting
> missingh-doc: reading policy 7.6.2, my understanding is that Conflicts
> is more appropriate than Breaks (because the old package must be
> completely removed). Why are you changing it?

I suggest you look how marco did it with other packages:

$ apt-cache show libghc6-hscurses-doc
Package: libghc6-hscurses-doc
Replaces: haskell-hscurses-doc (<<
Provides: haskell-hscurses-doc
Recommends: ghc6-doc, libghc6-mtl-doc
Suggests: libghc6-hscurses-dev
Conflicts: haskell-hscurses-doc (<<

>  * package descriptions: I don't know what you mean with "DHG
> consistence", but don't like very much the initial paragraph you have
> put in all the descriptions (it could be the last, maybe; the first
> paragraphs should give a general idea of what the package do, not where
> to find information about the language it is written with). Is it really
> a best practice to have such a preamble? (this question, of course, is
> for the full mailing list).

This predates my appearance here, but I’m also not too happy with it.
Maybe someone can design a better stile for them? This could then be put
in the haskell policy and changed in _all_ our packages – consistency is
still important. But this would probably have to wait for after squeeze.

> Cheers, Giovanni (who feels a bit strange of standing for the first time
> on the other bank of the DD river!).

:-) Enjoy!

who is glad that there is another active DD more in the team!
Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

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