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Re: [Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-devscripts: Remove unsuported packaging scripts, leaving only the standard hlibrary.mk.

Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 18.11.2009, 09:54 +1100 schrieb Erik de Castro Lopo:
>> If John was willing to allow these to be group maintained,
>> then I'd be willing to put some time in on the weekend to
>> getting them fixed. Otherwise, I suspect that re-adding the
>> scripts is the right solution. 
> BTW, some (all?) of the packages in question are already
> team-maintained, and on stored in the team’s git repository, as you can
> see http://git.debian.org/ here. So are you going to fix these?

I have been converting all my Haskell packages to be team-maintained
with Git in the course of normal maintenance (when I need to make an
upload, if it isn't team-maintained, I make it so.)

My fall/early winter is extremely time-constrained due to various events
at work and at home, so this sadly hasn't progressed as far as I'd have

I would be happy, obviously, for people to fix the team-maintained
packages before I get to them.

As for the other packages, obviously it is my intent to get them
team-maintained but I want to be careful to do so in a way that it
doesn't complicate my usual development process with my git tree.
Generally that means copying the master branch to one named upstream.
Then delete debian/ in upstream, git checkout master, git merge -s ours
upstream, and then inject this into a repo on alioth.  If somebody else
wants to try this for my other Haskell packages, feel free, and check in
with me after you've done the first so I can make sure it looks good.

-- John

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