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Re: zaurus-debian success!

On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 12:46:44AM -0500, Klaus Weidner wrote:
>> But for instance, I moved to NFS the following directories, and I feel lighter:
>> 	/usr/share/{doc,info,man} /var/cache /dev /usr/lib/gcc-lib
> Okay, for documentation it's of course a reasonable idea. That doesn't
> break anything if it's missing.
I save a few hundred megabytes this way.

> Are you serious though about moving /dev/ off the main system? I don't
> think that's a good idea.
I'm using devfs instead.

>> Too bad there isn't a debian with uclibc...
> I'd rather spend some extra money on a larger storage card than spend
> time debugging obscure incompatibilities ;-)
I can understand that.

>> Those who do not understand LISP are condemned to not even being able
>> to reinvent it poorly.	-- Faré, without apologies to Henry Spencer.
> Nice signature - I just started using Common Lisp recently, and am a
> convert already.
Cool. And GNU clisp runs quite fine on the ARM platform.
Now, if only someone ported SBCL or OpenMCL to the ARM,
and/or made clisp more featureful...

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
[  TUNES project for a Free Reflective Computing System  | http://tunes.org  ]
The difference between a military and a terrorist is that the former lives off
taxes taken by force from the population, whereas the latter only aspires to.

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