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Re: Debian on Zaurus works, what now?


thanks very much for the quick response!

Quoting Klaus Weidner <kw@w-m-p.com>:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 04:37:25PM +0100, W. Borgert wrote:
> > after reading the stuff on http://pocketworkstation.org/
> > I installed Debian on my SD card.  With neither the Crow
> > ROM nor OZ 3.3.5 I was able to start the VNC X server (or
> > was it the FB VNC viewer? I don't remember), but with OZ
> Strange - what hardware are you running on? Were there any error
> messages?

I have an SL-5500G.  There were error messages, but I don't
remember them.  I think the socket connection failed, so
maybe the X server didn't start.  Sorry.

It would be nice, if it worked with the new OZ 3.3.5, but
for me it's not so important.

> Try disabling the "zapmd" which is likely to cause conflicts if the OS
> does its own power management. A brutal solution would be to simply
> rename or delete /usr/local/bin/zapmd in the debroot.

OK, I will try that.

> > - I cannot switch between Debian and OZ, but maybe I
> >   just didn't understand how to do this.
> Hitting <Fn>-<Shift>-<Q> on either the virtual or physical keyboard will
> exit the fbvnc client. You should then be able to restart the Qtopia GUI
> from the command line by running qpe.

Or OPIE in my case (OZ 3.2).

> > - I would like to install more software using apt-get.
> >   Is sarge the correct distribution?  Is it save to
> >   apt-get upgrade?
> A piecemeal upgrade (i.e. just "apt-get install" whichever individual
> packages you're interested in) is probably preferable.


> I'll try to find the time to make an updated set of packages, the

That would be great!

> > - Is it possible to install (and run!) python-gtk2 apps
> >   on Debian/Zaurus?
> If it's packaged by Debian for ARM, it should work. Just check on
> http://packages.debian.org, or run "pkggrep" locally.

I'm not sure about the memory I need for pyGTK apps.
I will see.

> > - Is there a complete GPE (http://gpe.handhelds.org/)
> >   for Debian/Zaurus apt-getable?  I would GPE prefer
> >   over OPIE and switch completely sooner or later.
> Last time I checked, the Debian GPE distribution was still very much a
> work in progress. Let me know about the results if you try it.

Yes, there are only a few applications.  I tried compiling
GPE myself about one year ago, but failed.  Maybe it's easier

Cheers, WB

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