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Re: Debian on Zaurus works, what now?

On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 04:37:25PM +0100, W. Borgert wrote:
> after reading the stuff on http://pocketworkstation.org/
> I installed Debian on my SD card.  With neither the Crow
> ROM nor OZ 3.3.5 I was able to start the VNC X server (or
> was it the FB VNC viewer? I don't remember), but with OZ
> 3.2 it works fine.

Strange - what hardware are you running on? Were there any error

> Some problems and questions:
> - I can suspend the system via the menu entry in IceWM,
>   but the system is dead afterwards.  I have to reset.

Power management was a bit of a mess among the different OS choices for
the Zaurus. 

Try disabling the "zapmd" which is likely to cause conflicts if the OS
does its own power management. A brutal solution would be to simply
rename or delete /usr/local/bin/zapmd in the debroot.

> - I cannot switch between Debian and OZ, but maybe I
>   just didn't understand how to do this.

Hitting <Fn>-<Shift>-<Q> on either the virtual or physical keyboard will
exit the fbvnc client. You should then be able to restart the Qtopia GUI
from the command line by running qpe.

This keeps the VNC X server running in the background (so that you can
get back to your session after quitting Qtopia), do a "killall Xvnc" to
terminate it.

> - I would like to install more software using apt-get.
>   Is sarge the correct distribution?  Is it save to
>   apt-get upgrade?

a full "dist-upgrade" should work, but it's likely to take a long time
and need lots of storage. If you're affected by the flaky SD drivers (see
"known bugs" on http://pocketworkstation.org), you'll have problems.

A piecemeal upgrade (i.e. just "apt-get install" whichever individual
packages you're interested in) is probably preferable.

I'll try to find the time to make an updated set of packages, the
versions I'm currently distributing are rather out of date.

> - Is it possible to install (and run!) python-gtk2 apps
>   on Debian/Zaurus?

If it's packaged by Debian for ARM, it should work. Just check on
http://packages.debian.org, or run "pkggrep" locally.

> - Is there a complete GPE (http://gpe.handhelds.org/)
>   for Debian/Zaurus apt-getable?  I would GPE prefer
>   over OPIE and switch completely sooner or later.

Last time I checked, the Debian GPE distribution was still very much a
work in progress. Let me know about the results if you try it.


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