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Re: Trying to join the hamradio team

> Unfortunately kissattach is not very systemd friendly because it
> does not store its pid into a file, so it can be controlled.

Example of how to use kissattach with systemd. Kissattach is called from
a script ax25-upd


systemd service file calls the ax25-upd script.


> Yes this could be fixed by fixing kissattach, and yes the issue can be
> worked around. "soundmodem" on the other hand does not need kissatach
> because it uses the kernel mkiss interface.
> ...
> Perhaps we do not understand the same thing when speaking about modes?
> What I mean is that you can set up, say 1200Bd and 9600Bd on the same
> radio link at the same time (well almost), i.e. you can work two
> different stations each connected at its speed of the same radio
> link. To my knowledge this is a feature that is planned for direwolf,
> but not available today, correct?

Have been running 1200/9600 on same channel using direwolf and the DRAWS
sound card for around 4 months:


I'm still working on the documentation. This method is not specific to
DRAWS it's just easier because it is a dual channel (stereo) codec. You
could get this working with 2 mono channel sound cards and direwolf as

/Basil n7nix

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