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Re: Trying to join the hamradio team

Hello Roland,

Yes, I am aware of this fact. Indeed the direwolf modem for sure is a very solid implementation with a vivid user community. My perception, however, is that direwolf is focused on APRS and comes with its own implementation of an ax25 stack.

What I like about the soundmodem is its tight integration with the linux ax25 kernel stack and the fact that it is capable of multimode. There are other reasons as well that make the codebase interesting to me, but about that later, if you really like.

Direwolf can be directly connected to the Linux AX.25 stack either via it's PTS pseudo-serial interface or it's TCP-KISS interface and socat.  Next up, yes, soundmodem does offer the ability to send AX.25 packets over at least one alternative mode but in my experience, that one mode didn't perform very well and never gained any adoption.  Direwolf offers multiple modes (AFSK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, IL2P, etc) as well as FX.25 support be it for speed, robustness, etc.  Finally, if you run various packet decode tests, you'll see that Thomas Sailers's soundmodem gets about a 60-65% decode rate where as Direwolf, UZ7HO's soundmodem, and even some hardware TNCs get in upwards of 95%:



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