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Re: Sound card issue?

On 7/15/19 8:36 PM, tony mancill wrote:
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 12:48:33PM +0200, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
On 7/11/19 6:16 PM, David Ranch wrote:

  Can you connect a set of headphones into into the radio's audio out
jack and confirm you still can hear expected demodulated audio?  This
will confirm a lot of basics.

Hello David,

Ok, I will try that although I do not see much reason because the same radio
runs APRS excellently with my laptop comp, also running Debian 8. The
problem appears on desktop(s). But I will try.

   After that, maybe you can do some live
playback of audio as heard from your souncard.  Something like this
would work assuming you substitute in the correct sound card values and
connect your headphones to the appropreate soundcard output:

arecord -D plughw:CARD=Device,DEV=0 -t wav -f S16_LE -r 48000 -d 10 - | \
aplay -Dplughw:CARD=Device,DEV=0 -

Will try that too ...

Ps.  I don't know why you oped to installed Debian 8.x aka.. Jessie but
as mainline security updates ended back on June 2018. It's only
receiving critical (but much slower) security updates through June
2020.  Since you're starting with a new OS, why not start with something
that will have the longest life?  That would be Debian Buster.

I know that Debian 8 is not 'young & fresh' but my computers are even older
and would hardly accept newer OSes. And some other machines I have (two
desktops and a laptop) still run Debian 8. So if I had different OSes on
different hardware, it would be even harder to locate the problem.

Hello Misko,

This is tangential to your original question, but I wanted to mention
that I have recently been through similar frustrations.  I ended up
using a dedicated a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to control my rig.  It has low
power draw, multiple USB ports, and plenty of CPU to build and run
WSJT-X, tqsl, and the other software I use.  But the main advantage is
that changes to my desktop machine don't affect my rig and vice-versa.
It runs Raspbian updated to Debian 10 (buster).

tony KG7IEL

Hello Tony, et al.

Thank you for comments. Probably many things can produce QRM problems in different situations. In my case, it seems that just repositioning the computer in the room changes the level of interference and how much it affects the rig. Unfortunately the union's office is in a QRM area. As I mentioned, I did not have any problem only with my laptop. However, as soon as I placed the laptop in the same portion of the room where the desktop experienced the issue, the connected radio became 'deaf' too. And also I had the same trouble with the laptop if I used the same electricity phase from the wall outlet where the desktop comp was attached. (As soon as I repositioned the laptop to the other part of the room, and/or different wall outlet was used, the reception returned back to the attached radio.)

I am investigating that phenomenon further in days to come. (For now it seems that sound card is not the trouble maker.)


Misko YT7MPB

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