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Re: Live Image

Hey David, 

Thanks for getting back!

I've stuck things in line as responses :)


On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 09:30:55AM -0700, David Ranch wrote:
>    Hardware:
>    - I would recommend to require at least i686 32bity w/ PAE. Even that is
> very very old but hopefully it will be a bit faster
When I say i386, I really mean i686!

>    - I assume you're also going to offer versions for ARM?
I have been working on this for a while in the background specifically
for Raspberry Pi and have a working prototype and scripts for Jessie
that need updated.

While, technically, for Raspi it's doable, that platform requires
nonfree binary blobs that Debian can't distribute.

That said, there's no reason I/Someone can't make one and distrubute it
separate from the pure blend, however.

Outside of the Raspi universe, it's possible to do a generic build for
any of the Debian supported architectures, depening on the support in
the live-build tool for them. However, package support gets a little
more patchy on the exotic architectures/kernels. No ax.25 on kfreebsd or
Hurd kernel, for example...

But xastir does build for m68k. I wonder if we could do an m68k live
image. Hmmmmmmm.

>    Window manager:
>    - I'm not familiar with with LXQT but I personally REALLY don't like
> Mate.  Have you considered newer, light weight WMs like xfce (my favorite)
> or lmde?

I've not played with xfce in about 10 years, it had totally slipped my
mind! I've not played with LMDE at all... yet! Thanks for the

>    Packages:
>    - Is it mandated that you only leverage amateur radio packages that are
> in the Debian repos?  I ask as many of those are ancient and they need newer
> builds.  Examples include Fldigi, Xastir, etc.  The problem is.. many teams
> have stopped making official releases.  The code still moves on in the SCM
> but distros need to just start accepting specific Git, SVN, etc drops as
> "golden".  Examples include Ax.25 packages, etc.

At the moment, debian testing for Xastir & AX.25 is as up to date as it
can get... because they're my packages and I like to keep them in line
with upstream. If there is anything you're aware of that the version in
testing is seriously behind the latest upstream release - please file a
bug and we can get it sorted :). 

Some applications do follow upstream svn snapshots - for example a new
build of chirp is pulled in more or less every quarter to keep apace
with development there. 

Stable is a little more complicated as really it should only be security
updates and patches for bugs that go in. That said, there is a backports
mechanism to get things in...

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