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Re: New version available - TrustedQSL v1.14.1

On 6/1/2013 9:03 PM, Kamal Mostafa wrote:
> Hi Robert-
> Wow, what timing!  I have actually been working on the Debian packaging
> for the new TrustedQSL 1.14.1 all afternoon!  I uploaded the new version
> to Debian just moments ago.
> The new build should appear in 'Debian unstable'[0] within the next few
> hours, and the binary packages will migrate to the various Debian
> deployment pages (and to Ubuntu's next version) from there.
> I am also your friendly Ubuntu maintainer, and I will be deploying the
> new builds to the Ubuntu-Hams-Updates archive[1] for the four most
> recent Ubuntu releases, once they finish building in my staging
> archive[2], some hours from now.
> I'll let you know when all the packages are built, if you'd like to make
> an announcement.  :-)
> 73 de KA6MAL

Spectacular! We try to stay out of the distro-specific packaging
requirements and processes - it's just too much to keep up with. But
obviously we like if most of our users are able to install (and stay
up-to-date) just via the nice friendly package manager. Not all hams
(even on Linux) are 100% comfortable building from source. I'll see if
our ARRL contacts are interested in putting a note saying something like
"on Debian or Ubuntu, you can just install the 'trustedqsl' package" on
their instructions page.

We have several other big features planned for further releases over the
next several months, so we'll be sure to keep you "in the loop" on that
front. To that end, is there anything packaging-specific that you'd like
to see in TrustedQSL? Something just occurred to me, which is a way to
turn off update-checking for maintainer builds (so it doesn't present a
source tarball; the user should upgrade through the package system if
that's how he got it) - I'll put that on-track for the next version. Do
you have any other suggestions (including general/overall ones)?

-Robert, KC2YWE

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