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Re: Sofware Defined Radio in Debian

On Sat, 3 Mar 2012 22:27:00 -0500
"A. Maitland Bottoms" <bottoms@debian.org> wrote:

> >>>>> "KU4B" == David R Wilson <david@wwns.com> writes:
> KU4B> I was wondering what the interest would be in porting the
> KU4B> PowerSDR software to Linux, specifically Debian, Ubuntu or
> KU4B> Fedora.  I was able to get the firewire (1394) issues out the
> KU4B> way a couple of years ago, however have not made much progress
> KU4B> on getting the .NET code to recompile on Ubuntu Lucid.
> KU4B> Comments?
> It's not PowerSDR, but I was looking at John Melton's ghpsdr
> application. http://openhpsdr.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ghpsdr
> It has a modified DttSP library - I was wondering how to deal
> with all the forks and branches of DttSP out there.
> Lots of good stuff here:
> http://svn.tapr.org/repos_sdr_hpsdr/trunk/N6LYT/Qt/trunk/src/
> but probably not yet quite ready for prime time packaging.
> Alas I do not have any of the HPSDR hardware.
> 73 de aa4hs,
> -Maitland

If you think the forks in dttsp are bad, try the sdr-shell that goes
with it. There are two QT4 branches the rest are still QT3.
I would like to see ghpsdr , but it doesn't build on kernel 3.2
PowerSDR , I haven't tried yet. 
I only use win for two progs , one for 4 weeks of the year the 
other when I need to design filters

Whatever is decided for packaging is must accept audio input for
Softrock and clones, USB for sdr-iq and clones, and the hpsdr hardware.


Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail: richard@g8jvm.com   or   richard.bown@blueyonder.co.uk

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Fedora FC16 x86_64 on a Dell Insiron N5030 laptop
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs
mins ) QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W & 3

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