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Re: SOLVED: adding hamradio menus to gnome

Op di, 15-11-2005 te 21:51 +1100, schreef Hamish Moffatt:

> Hmm. Does your package edit gnome-applications.menu, or create a new
> file? Will GNOME find a new file?

No, it doesn't alter anything. It
creates /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-applications-merged and adds a hamradio
menu. Gnome will automatically find the new menu.

> I notice that kdebase-data provides equivalent files - kde-* in
> /etc/xdg/menus, directory files in /usr/share/desktop-directories.
> (Incidentally GNOME polutes the latter directory by not using some sort
> of gnome prefix.)

I guess we could use the same merging strategy for KDE. Haven't checked

> What will cause the hamradio-gnome package to be installed? Just manual?
> I don't know if any of our other packages should actually depend on it.

I guess control files could be altered to suggest hamradio-gnome.

> I would prefer to try the GNOME crowd again, please. The KDE crowd too.
> They really should not have any objection. I opened bug#339305 against
> gnome-menus.

Thanks. Let's hope for some response.

> Now that I have the Debian menu back in my GNOME menu (install the
> menu-xdg package), perhaps it's not so important.

I like the hamradio gnome menu better than using a debian sub-sub-sub
menu :-)

> Hamish

Linux for your hamradio desktop

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