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Re: gmfsk error

I have tried to install to the live disks (KDE and GNOME). The error message 
has gone, but the program still works intermittently with a cycle time of 2 
seconds. Naturally, under Gnome I don't need to add the  libraries. The 
problem is still there. Unfortunately, the program does not seem to know 
there is something wrong... Maybe it tries to write to a read-only location?

73, Rein PA0R

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 21:23, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> Rein Couperus wrote:
> > The program seems to run normally, but it is interrupted every 2nd second
> > to output the GtK assert message, probable with a sleep(1). So it runs
> > for 50% of the time :)
> Okay, done some more digging. The error comes from the insert_rx_text
> procedure in src/main.c. What happens is that insert_rx_text tries to
> insert a string with length 0. This is caused by g_locale_to_utf8 which
> fails due to incorrect locale settings.
> Cause for this is the language settings on the DD disk. That's why you
> don't see the errors on Suse. Gmfsk will probably run fine if you say:
> "LANG=ISO-8859-1; gmfsk".
> This issue is fixed on the 0.6beta1 version of gmfsk, but I can't seem
> to build a package from this version, because it wants to install files
> to /etc when building the package.
> So I have backported the fix to version 0.5. Can you please give it a
> try? The package is at:
> http://www.qsl.net/pg4i/download/gmfsk_0.5-2_i386.deb
> If it is okay for you, I will send Hamish a patch for the 0.5 version in
> Debian/Unstable. He is the debian maintainer for gmfsk.
> Regards,
> Joop PG4I

Rein@Couperus.com or PA0R@EUDXF.ORG

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