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Re: gmfsk error

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 16:33, Ed Lawson wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 16:25:46 +0100
> Rein Couperus <rein@couperus.com> wrote:
> > So I have taken the latest
> > .deb packages, and came to the same result. The program runs for 1
> > second and then outputs an error message, then it runs for 1 second
> > etc etc...
> When you say it runs for I sec and then outputs an error do you mean the
> program starts and the application window is there, but after you
> configure it with devices and station and all that it tries to function,
> but stops with an error, or do you mean the application will not start?
> I assume the former.  this sounds like a configuration issue as opposed
> to an application that will not work.  However, since I have never used
> this program and do not have it installed, I don't know.

The program seems to run normally, but it is interrupted every 2nd second to 
output the GtK assert message, probable with a sleep(1). So it runs for 50% 
of the time :) 
> > In order to make a demo disk with a lot of software somebody will have
> > to get the apt-get thing going to install single packages from the CD.
> > I don't know enough about debian to do it.
> I don't think you should spend your time on doing this, but lets focus
> on as full featured DD disk.  I think having a RTTY and PSK31 app on it
> is important, and I would suggest holding off on claiming 1.0 status
> until that is fixed.  After all, what if you want to run RTTY or PSK31
> at the station where the DD Disk will be used?  We should be able to
> do it with a little help.  Of course it is your project and not mine so
> it is your decision to make.
> > I have not been able to find another Linux package covering RTTY,
> > psk31 and PACTOR
> I do not use these modes so others will need to contribute info.  I do
> know there are other good PSK31 applications in Debian as I have used
> them in the past.  I don't know if gmfsk is good or bad.

well, gmfsk works well... it also works together with xlog. But I could also 
think of a combination of twpsk and hfterm, which claims to do rtty and 
pactor. As far as I can see not (yet?) available for debian. I have it 
running under suse, will do some testing tomorrow.. Unfortunately I haven't 
done any rtty contesting since the hamcom days... Pactor would be a necessity 
for remote sites without internet, to upload the log files.


> > To take the live disk a step further: where are the debian experts? Am
> > I wasting my time?
> Hardly given what you have created to date.
> > Version 1.0 of the Debian Dxpedition Disk will be released by the end
> > of this week. RTTY, psk and pactor support will be missing, unless I
> > get expert help.
> Again, I suggest holding off a little to get this fixed.  I think it
> will make the DD disk much more useful and valuable.
> I will try to work on this tonight, but I have very limited time during
> the week.
> You make a good point about looking for help among the Debian hams.
> My feeling is it is the best distro for hams, but SUSE has historically
> supported ham applications very well too.
> Ed Lawson
> K1VP

Rein@Couperus.com or PA0R@EUDXF.ORG

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