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Re: gmfsk error

Rein Couperus wrote:

The program seems to run normally, but it is interrupted every 2nd second to output the GtK assert message, probable with a sleep(1). So it runs for 50% of the time :)

Okay, done some more digging. The error comes from the insert_rx_text procedure in src/main.c. What happens is that insert_rx_text tries to insert a string with length 0. This is caused by g_locale_to_utf8 which fails due to incorrect locale settings.

Cause for this is the language settings on the DD disk. That's why you don't see the errors on Suse. Gmfsk will probably run fine if you say: "LANG=ISO-8859-1; gmfsk".

This issue is fixed on the 0.6beta1 version of gmfsk, but I can't seem to build a package from this version, because it wants to install files to /etc when building the package.

So I have backported the fix to version 0.5. Can you please give it a try? The package is at:


If it is okay for you, I will send Hamish a patch for the 0.5 version in Debian/Unstable. He is the debian maintainer for gmfsk.

Joop PG4I

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