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Re: gmfsk error

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 16:25:46 +0100
Rein Couperus <rein@couperus.com> wrote:

> So I have taken the latest
> .deb packages, and came to the same result. The program runs for 1
> second and then outputs an error message, then it runs for 1 second
> etc etc...

When you say it runs for I sec and then outputs an error do you mean the
program starts and the application window is there, but after you
configure it with devices and station and all that it tries to function,
but stops with an error, or do you mean the application will not start? 
I assume the former.  this sounds like a configuration issue as opposed
to an application that will not work.  However, since I have never used
this program and do not have it installed, I don't know. 

> In order to make a demo disk with a lot of software somebody will have
> to get the apt-get thing going to install single packages from the CD.
> I don't know enough about debian to do it.

I don't think you should spend your time on doing this, but lets focus
on as full featured DD disk.  I think having a RTTY and PSK31 app on it
is important, and I would suggest holding off on claiming 1.0 status
until that is fixed.  After all, what if you want to run RTTY or PSK31
at the station where the DD Disk will be used?  We should be able to
do it with a little help.  Of course it is your project and not mine so
it is your decision to make.
> I have not been able to find another Linux package covering RTTY,
> psk31 and PACTOR 

I do not use these modes so others will need to contribute info.  I do
know there are other good PSK31 applications in Debian as I have used
them in the past.  I don't know if gmfsk is good or bad.
> To take the live disk a step further: where are the debian experts? Am
> I wasting my time?

Hardly given what you have created to date.

> Version 1.0 of the Debian Dxpedition Disk will be released by the end
> of this week. RTTY, psk and pactor support will be missing, unless I
> get expert help. 

Again, I suggest holding off a little to get this fixed.  I think it
will make the DD disk much more useful and valuable.

I will try to work on this tonight, but I have very limited time during
the week.

You make a good point about looking for help among the Debian hams.
My feeling is it is the best distro for hams, but SUSE has historically
supported ham applications very well too.

Ed Lawson

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