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Re: baycom sethdlc No such device (19)

* Jaye Inabnit ke6sls <ke6sls@arrl.net> [2003 Dec 17 19:30 -0600]:
> > > All seem to load without error.  I've also modified the file axports:
> > > # name callsign speed paclen window description
> > > #
> > > bcsf0   ke6sls  1200    255     2       145.050 MHz (1200 bps)
> > > #2      OH2BNS-9        38400   255     7       TNOS/Linux  (38400 bps)

Hi Jaye and all.

It's been umpteen years since I played with the kernel AX.25, but I'm
thinking that trying to name the port in axports the same as the
ifconfig interface may be causing some confusion.  I would suggest using
1 or vhf for starters in axports.  Also, your call may need the SSID
expressed, so try ke6sls-0 instead of just a plain ke6sls.

Otherwise I can't recall any reason for the failure you're seeing.

73, de Nate >>

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