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Re: Xastir - missing libMagick.so.0

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On Wednesday 17 December 2003 19:02, Dana J. Laude wrote:
> Evening,
> I'm running the unstable branch and as of today xastir doesn't work.
> Here's the error message:
> "/usr/bin/xastir: error while loading shared libraries: libMagick.so.0:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
> I currently have the following libMagick installed:
> libmagick5.5.7 and libmagick++5.5.7.
> Any ideas?  I guess I could do a force reload of these packages, but
> it seems like their broken, since the old 5.5.5 seemed just fine.
> Anyone else having this problem?
> Thanks!
> Dana


Everytime I have seen an error like this, it usually boils down to a symlink 
that the packager forgot about when packaging a newer release.

I'd try to locate libmagick* and/or libMagick*.  If the latest version is 
present, then all you should need to do is add a new symlink to it.  Again, 
this is off the top of my head.

Gook luck to you.  73

- -- 

Wishing you well.

Jaye Inabnit, ke6sls   (A fortunate GNU/Linux user)
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